Try it out immediately and free of charge
Get our free and representative kinematics set, consisting of a multi-joint solution in full series quality including Easy-Click plates, which we make available to you globally; for the real and authentic experience “in use”. Discover the variety of cinematic possibilities and be inspired for applications and your own ideas. Your kickstarter into the real world of movement solutions, to try out, to design.
Multiple-Joint Kinematic Set
Free and representative set, consisting of a multi-joint solution and Easy-Click plates (3D printing), with which you can try out, test and gain experience of what kinematics can do for you.
Easy-Click variants | For downloading and printing
Download further panel variants as CAD data. For self-printing, to find out more options or to modify in CAD yourself and test your own versions.
Easy-Click panels | Set A1
Version: mitered
Consisting of: Flap and frame
Easy-Click panels | Set A2
Version: surface-mounted or internal
Consisting of: Flap and frame
To the point
- Fully usable and free kinematics set in 100% production quality (kinematics made of steel / click plates in 3D print)
- Global delivery to any delivery location of choice
- In addition, downloadable CADs (step) of plate variants for 3D printing for immediate use and modification